Prabowo and Sandiaga Uno will also continue to promote vision and mission

Kabar Hub. The National Winning Body (BPN) pair Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno will continue to hold a socialization of the vision and mission of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates although not facilitated by the General Election Commission (KPU).

BPN Deputy Chair Ahmad Muzani said, the delivery of vision and mission would be carried out directly by Prabowo and Sandiaga.

"Later there will be the delivery of the vice presidential candidate's vision and mission that will be carried out by Pak Prabowo and Pak Sandi," said Muzani when met at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (1/7/2019).

According to Muzani, the delivery of the vision and mission directly by the presidential and vice presidential candidates must be carried out so that the community understands in its entirety.
Also read: KPU Canceled Facilitation of Socialization of the Vision and Mission of Vice-President and Vice-President

In addition, the community can also know the background of why the vision and mission is offered by the candidate pairs.

"It is also important to measure how far the ability of a presidential and vice-presidential candidate to respond to a problem, including choice of words, choice of sentences, it becomes important so that the public knows," said Muzani.

However, said Muzani, the BPN has not yet determined the time and place related to the delivery of the vision and mission information. He only ensures that the socialization forum will be held before the first debate on January 17, 2019.
"But the exact date when and where I do not know," said Muzani.

Previously reported, the plan for disseminating the vision and mission of the presidential and vice-presidential candidate pairs would not be facilitated by the KPU. The decision was taken based on an agreement between the KPU and the candidate pair campaign team through a joint meeting held on Friday (01/04/2019) night.

The socialization will still be carried out, but by each campaign team.
"Last night's socialization of the vision and mission has also been decided, please carry out individually the place and time they set themselves. So, KPU is no longer facilitated," said KPU Chair Arief Budiman when met at the Mandarin Hotel, Central Jakarta, Saturday (5 / 1/2019).

The campaign team was also released in terms of the number of implementation of the socialization of the vision and mission of the presidential and vice presidential candidates.

This decision was taken because the KPU had difficulties if it had to facilitate the wishes of the two different campaign teams.

Arief said, in a number of meetings, a discussion on the plan for the socialization of the presidential-vice presidential vision and mission did not come to any light.

There are things that are endless in the agreement between the two campaign teams, both the time of implementation and those who will deliver the socialization.
"The KPU always said that all had to agree, if not, it would be rather troublesome for the KPU. Because they still have different ideas, the socialization was decided by each candidate pair," said Arief.


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